FES Fractal Encryption Standard Standardised Fractal Transformation to replace AES
FES Windows Components Quantum Safe Windows components to replace AES

FES Fractal Encryption Standard

The FES Fractal Encryption Standard is a standardised specification of Fractal Transformation engineered to replace quantum vulnerable AES encryption.

FES provides a guarantee of impenetrability.

Use FES to replace AES to achieve quantum safe status for software applications and streaming services.

Combine FES with NIST quantum safe RSA replacements for a one-time quantum safe migration.

FES Windows Components

FES Windows DLL components are now available for 32 bit and 64 bit software.

The FES DLL API is straight forward:


Name Description
strKey (required) String key to map to fractal portal. No size limit.
byteKey  (required) Same as strKey passing a byte array.
blnLevelEvents (optional) Trigger level event on completed passes. 
blnLevelSort (optional) Fractal sort reorder between passes. 
lngPasses (optional) Number of fractal transform passes. 


Name Description
byteFractalTransform Fractal Transform a byte array payload. 
byteFractalExtract Extract fractal transformed cipher from byte array. 
strFractalTransform Fractal Transform a string payload. 
strFractalExtract Extract fractal transformed cipher from string. 


Name Description
CurrentLevel Event fires each pass.
Requires blnLevelEvents = True. 

Custom API structures can be requested to match existing production AES components.

FES components for Linux and Mac are in development.

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