Fractal Transform

Online FES Demonstration


Transform data using the Portalz Fractal Encryption Standard (FES), the world's first

Impenetrable and Quantum Safe Encryption.

Enter any Key and Payload and click Transform or Extract the Transformed Cipher.

Multi-dimensional Fractal Encryption


Transformation Options
Key Space
Ascii Range
The Key and all Options must be identical to the Transform to successfully Extract!

Unlimited Key Space

The Key Space selector sets the total number of bits used for the key.

Under the hood the key is expanded with iterations of SHA512 hashes until required key space is achieved (the FES component accepts raw keys of any size).

Required Key Space precision is achieved by expanding the number of Mandelbrot dimensions, each dimension adding 112 bits of precision. There is no conceptual limit to the size of the Key Space; it has been tested to 4,480,000 bits (limited to 57,344 bits here).

Compare maximum 256 bit AES with configurable and unlimited bit FES Key Space:

Key Space Explorer
Key Space Key space bit size
Dimensions Number of Mandelbrot dimensions
Number of

Fractal Transformation Precision

Transformation Precision is the same as the Key Space selected.

The Transformation Precision is achieved by scaling the number of Mandelbrot Dimensions. The possible number of Mandelbrot Dimensions is logically unlimited, limits are imposed by hardware memory and processors. Up to 40,000 dimensions have been tested, but in practical terms 512 dimensions is a likely maximum with a 57,344 bit key space.

Key Space identifies a multi-dimensional fractal portal. The Key is then discarded and does not act on the payload.

The payload is transformed by an infinitely complex multi-dimensional fractal stream that emerges from the portal.

Key Whirl

Key Whirl activates a key influence during fractal transform navigation.

This is a high performance function that influences core fractal navigation with key byte values.


The Passes selector sets the number of fractal transform passes applied to the payload. As the unique and infinitely complex Fractal Stream is unlimited, it can continue to transform the payload with as many passes as desired (limited to 7 passes here).


Scramble activates cipher byte scramble.

This is a good performance function that scrambles the cipher using raw fractal value order.

Ascii Range

The Ascii Range selector controls the ascii transform range for each byte.

  1. 0-255 (Full) this is the default for general document and image encryption.
  2. 0-127 (Half) can be used if no special characters exist in the payload.
  3. 32-127 (Text) is used for text without control characters.

Use the lower two settings to increase security if you know the payload excludes special characters.


Cryptographers and pen-testers can use this demo to verify:

  • Impenetrability of the cipher
  • Inability to discern the key from the cipher
  • Key/cipher asymmetry
  • Zero algorithmic signature
  • Cipher variance with key and option changes
  • Total cipher variance with single bit key change
  • Unpredictability, complexity and quality of cipher

Fractal Encryption Standard
AI Impenetrability Proof
Mandelbrot Fractal
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