
Glossary of Terms

Conventional Data Architecture

Conventional table-per-object database schemas fix the data structure in tables, columns (fields) and relationships of the core schema (database architecture). To change the data structure the database application schema must be changed, requiring corresponding service and UI development, unit testing and server roll-outs.

The table-per-object relational database architecture has been universally adopted as an IT foundation and deeply embedded in the software development curriculum.

A negative effect of this architecture is that it embeds the type, function and name of data in its foundations. This results in a unique custom schema for every application and enterprise. For every unique schema unique custom software and user interface code must be developed to deliver services (search, view, edit, report etc). If the schema changes, corresponding code MUST be developed to integrate the change.

This contrasts with the DNA architecture.

DNA - Data Neutral Architecture

Biologic DNA has evolved over millions of years to store all the information required by a living organism.

The simplicity of biologic DNA data storage structure means that it is Data Neutral, that is, the specific type or function of data stored is not defined by or restricted to its storage structure.

While digital databases are very different from biologic DNA, ourData Neutral Architecture exhibits similar simplicity and data neutrality as biologic DNA.

ERAD - Extreme Rapid Application Development

RAD applies to a range of application development methodologies to improve performance of development teams and response to client requirements.

Portalz DNA enables ERAD (Extreme RAD) by way of application configuration that can be performed by users with little or no coding experience. ERAD delivers a rich range of customisations, functions and services that conventionally require database administrators, analysts, software developers, UI developers, JavaScript programmers and more.

Features and services configured with ERAD become instantly visible and do not require conventional unit testing and production roll-outs.

Quantum Bunker®

A personal data vault and password manager developed by Portalz.


Quantum File Bunker™

A File Security Platform developed by Portalz.


Quantum Computer

The current state of Quantum Computing may be compared to the rapid transition of conventional computers in the 1970s, a transition from relays and valves to transistors and integrated circuits.

Early computers used large air-conditioned rooms with rows of racks and equipment, reel-to-reel tapes, cathode ray terminals, dot matrix printers and teams of specialists. Suddenly personal computers arrived that would fit on your desk. Affordable and incredibly powerful, by the then standards, anyone could now own and operate a computer.

We are now shifting from large refrigerated Google Quantum Computers to Quantum Computer Integrated Circuits that will shortly make Quantum Computing affordable and accessible.

While Quantum Computers enable a broad range of AI and supercomputing power, they also undermine common encryption used to secure information systems today.

Quantum Proof - Impenetrable

The term we use to describe data transformation that cannot be reassembled by any means, including Quantum or conventional computers.

Conventional encrypted data still contains the payload, albeit scrambled, allowing the payload to be reassembled. Reassembly may be by conventional brute-force key trial, decryption formula attacks or by infinite permutation tests with a Quantum Computer.

Quantum Computers enable infinite permutation tests in seconds, minutes or hours, a very short time span compared to the hundreds of years of computing power required by conventional or super computers. Quantum Computers break the encryption - decryption asymmetry, the vast difference in time required by conventional computers between encryption and brute-force decryption.

Quantum Bunker® technologies create a fraqBlock that no longer contains the payload, and so cannot be reassembled by any type of computer, making it Quantum Proof.


The term used to describe data to be secured by encryption, or in our case fraqing.

This is the plain text or visible data to be secured by conversion to a cipher or Fraq Block.


Our Impenetrable and quantum computer proof Fractal Transformation process.

A new term, fraq was coined as the name to distinguish from common encryption and encrypt.

The process and effect of fraqing is entirely different to conventional encryption.



The process of Fractal Transforming a payload to a Fraq Block.


The process of extracting the payload from a Fraq Block by Fractal Extraction.

Fraq Key

A key or password that alters the Fractal Transforming of a payload to a Fraq Block.

Fraq Depth

The depth of Fractal Transforming of a data payload to a Fraq Block.

Fractal streams emerging from Fractal Transforming are continued to transform the payload to any desired depth.

Fraq Block

The digital block produced by fraqing a data payload.

The Fraq Block no longer contains the payload.

The Fraq Block is impossible to brute-force crack.

It is impossible to derive the payload from the Fraq Block alone.

Trust Platform

The term we use to describe enterprise platforms that can deliver data integrity trust guarantees.

As enterprise platforms based on conventional database foundations lack trust, architects have sought to integrate blockchain immutability to deliver data integrity and trust guarantees. This comes with significant cost and risk.

is a solution that delivers data integrity and trust guarantees without decentralised blockchain.